Outdoor sculptures and artworks

Nature is a platform of expression, inspiration, ideal for action and artistic creation.

Art in Nature is an alternative choice of an art program. It offers paths and terraces, where different art works and proposals are developed, while simultaneously being surrounded by nature. This option provides a natural space to the art-associated, while giving contemporary art a unique context, in which an ongoing dialogue with the landscape can be exhibited. In addition, it takes an original approach and, also, understanding to the contemplation of contemporary works and art as an undivided intellectual and sensory experience, always associated with the landscape.
Designed as an open study, you can visit several different places, see the many different works, converse with the artists and learn about their creative process.

Plastic art object based its fundamental main characteristics in its development in space, thereby creating an environment.
"The presentation of art in nature is ideal because it is a moment in which the viewer's receptivity to beauty is greater."

If through art we find a mean to express our feelings, art in nature contributes to the inspiration and balance of our mind and body.

Si l’art est un moyen qui permet de contribuer à l’expression de nos sentiments, l’art dans la nature, lui, contribue à l’inspiration et à l’équilibre intellectuel et corporel.

Εάν η τέχνη συμβάλει  σαν μέσο για την έκφραση του ανθρώπου , η τέχνη στη φύση και ο ανοιχτός χώρος συμβάλουν στην έμπνευση και την ψυχική του ισορροπία.

Si l'art és un mitjà qui contribueix a l'expressió dels nostres sentiments, l'art a la natura contribueix a la inspiració i l'equilibri intellectual i corporal.




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